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Job Hunting Tips


(1)Prepare a good resume:
Having a good resume is great.It will introduce you to your prospective employer in the first place and "the first impression they say it last longer". Most companies nowadays do not have the time any other thing than to simply ask for your resume.This tells the story of who you are and what you have to offer.To maximize your chances of landing a job easily,the tips on this page are recommended.

There are hundreds of sites on how to prepare a good resume. This is your calling card. It has to make a good first impression. Use a professional looking font,researches has revealed that a poor font discourages the readers and this can land your resume in the bin. Summarize your information and go straight to the point. If you have not been working since the days of the civil war, then your resume should fit into 2-4 pages. Nobody has the time to read stories.

Have a career summary on the front page, so that your prospective employer can see what he is looking for upfront. Include dates/duration in your job experience entries, and do not try to incorporate what you don't have just to make your resume look good, when you do not have the experience. this will booming rang during the interview proper.

Make sure you qualify for the position before you apply in the first place.

Tailor your resumes to the job description, which will also provide useful key words. Take your time with your resume, as it is the first impression you make on the prospective employers.

"Not tailoring a resume is a huge mistake, because employers want their particular needs and problems addressed,"Tailoring a resume shows that you have researched the company, or at the very least, read their job posting. Not tailoring it is a huge hurdle to overcome because other candidates will have been insightful enough to do this and will gain a competitive edge over you."

Join professional groups, and stay in contact with former associates. Spread the word about your job hunt. Tell everyone in your network about your situation and the type of opportunity you're seeking.

(3)Cast a wide net:
Look beyond your usual industry; many of your skills may be transferrable. Use job-listing sites like Yahoo! HotJobs, but also examine industry-specific sites or company sites for your target employers, and don't forget alumni career resource sites, if possible.

(4)Don't get overwhelmed:
If unemployed, commit to action every day. Your job search should be like full-time job. Carve out a specific time every day to focus on doing it well. Set small goals for yourself and measure your progress.

(5)Reach out to your support systems:
A lengthy job search can take a toll on your self-esteem and increase a sense of pessimism. To combat this, make an effort to connect with the people you care about. Their support will help you maintain a positive attitude.

(6)Stay in Touch, and Keep Hope Alive

Follow up, if you can, the places you sent your resumes to. Nowadays, you don’t have to physically visit the offices to communicate, simply call. Sometimes, it is not necessary to call. When they need you, they will get in touch. Sometimes, you will get calls when you least expected, from companies or agencies you have long forgotten after posting your resume.

Do not allow yourself to go into depression, especially if you have been on the job hunting avenue for a while. Job hunting is not a full time job. It is something you do a few hours a day. Find other interesting things to do, like hobbies. With a lot of time in your hands, this is an excellent opportunity to develop your talents and perhaps attain mastery. You can even take your talents to the next level by turning it into a business. Before you know it, you may not need a job anymore. You may be looking for good hands to employ.

Another way to get a job, especially if you are fresh from NYSC, without any experience, is to offer to work for a neighborhood small business for free. It may sound strange, but it does work. You need experience, and you are tired of being idle (assuming you are still sure of a roof over your head and at least two square meals). There is this company that has no vacancy, and has told you so. You can approach the owner, tell him you are aware there is no vacancy, but that you just finished your NYSC, you admire the company and would love to work for free to gain experience. More often than not, the person will be quite impressed, and may go out of his way to make room for you, and show you the ropes. What happens when there is eventually a vacancy? Your guess is as good as mine. You will get the job. Pure and simple. Not only will you get the job, you will get a boss that has faith in you. If he says no, you simply move on.

After all said and done, have faith in God. Let him lead and direct your paths. It is not a matter of if, but when. Someday sometime soon, the postman will knock on your door with your employment letter. Keep hope alive.

Good luck...

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